Science for Conservators: Conservation Science Teaching Series - Vol. 1
The Conservation Unit of the Museums and Galleries Commission
This series offers conservators with a non- scientific background a practical and relevant introduction to the science underlying conservation practice, in the first truly comprehensive series. It has been prepared by a team of conservation scientists, science teachers and experienced conservators, and approaches the science from the view-point of the practicing conservator. Scientific concepts are introduced in carefully graded steps through the discussion of activities central to all conservation work (identifying materials, cleaning techniques, joining, consolidation and coating. Each book contains numerous diagrams, photographs, tables and structural formulae with a reference index and answers to exercises at the back of each book. 1992, paper.
BOOK 1: An Introduction to Materials
This volume introduces the reader to the language of science and imparts an understanding of the scientific approach. It takes the reader carefully through the crucial elementary steps towards understanding chemistry and links them to conservation usage. The culmination of this introduction is a useful source of reference and a practical guide to understanding more about the relationship to structure (and hence the chemical properties) of the chemical names most frequently encountered by conservators. 120pp.
Price: $55.00 (1 in-stock)