Masonry, Bricklaying and Plastering
Robert Scott Burn
First published in 1871 at a time when materials for engineering and building were constantly being improved and replaced. It offers, therefore, an interesting and useful coverage not only of traditional techniques and materials such as stone, brick and pisé, but also examines the developments in the use of cement for wall covering, and cement blocks to be used as artificial stone.
Deals with materials, practical construction techniques, masonry and brickwork, principles of design, drawing, plastering and wall decoration, as well as many other aspects of construction. The 160 plates which accompany the text include a large number of exquisite drawings of different parts of buildings, including: window, door and wall details in various styles; arches; staircases; consoles and brackets in stone and terracotta; hollow and ornamental brickwork and designs for shop fronts. 2001, 640pp, hardback.
Price: $150.00 (7 in-stock)