Bac-A-Zap is a biologic odor control product. Unlike perfumes that only mask odors,
Bac-A-Zap is composed of bacteria and enzymes that actually attack the source of the
smell, break it down and eliminate the odor. As time goes by, when deodorizers would
be wearing off, Bac-A-Zap components continue to consume the odor causing organic
until it is gone, leaving behind water and carbon dioxide as harmless, odorless by-products.
Bac-A-Zap is power-packed and salmonella-free. It is biodegradable, non-toxic,
non-pathogenic and non-caustic.
Use anywhere smells exist:
Wall Voids Carpets Pet Sleeping Areas Drains
Crawl Spaces Garages Garbage Cans Attics
Mattresses Sinks Athletic Equipment
Can remove even the toughest organic odors including:
Feces Sewage Urine Vomit Mold & Mildew
Smoke Skunk Garbage Pet Odors Athletic Smells
Stinky Drains Food Odors Dead Animals