PRG, Inc. (Preservation Resource Group) is a mail order company, since 1975, that caters to preservation / restoration / conservation professionals and those charged with the maintenance of historic structures and objects. In the PRG on-line Catalog, you will find a variety of precision instruments, quality tools and useful products.

Building Evaluation tools such as Crack Monitors and Rilem Tubes(for measuring water absorption). Resistance Moisture Meters for measuring moisture levels in wood as well as surface salt contamination on masonry and rendered surfaces. Radiofrequency Moisture Meters can be used for measuring relative moisture levels in masonry and rendering materials. PRG offers various Borate-Based Wood Protection and Pest Control products that are of low toxicity for people, animals and the environment when properly used.

Improving Fire Protection levels in existing buildings can help preserve historic materials. PRG offers products for both exposed wood and painted wood conditions. Water and the resulting moisture in historic building materials can be a major factor in deterioration, especially after a Flood. The borate-based wood preservatives, as well as surface Sanitizers, Moldicides and Odor Control products, can be a great help. In the process of cleaning certain surfaces, a Poultice application might be appropriate.

The preparation for many preservation and conservation projects requires researching and reviewing the past history of the object, whether it is an item small enough to fit in your pocket or as large as a monumental building. The ability to safely copy and reproduce the documents related to your project can make them available to the whole team without damaging the original. This can be extremely useful when dealing not only with photographs but also with large blueprints and building plans. Large Format Scanning can provide a significant advantage on many sensitive projects.

It is the goal of PRG to provide the resources needed to assist professionals in the preservation of objects, both large and small.

1-800-774-7891 Call if you have questions or prefer to place your order by phone

preservation and conservation projects

Contact PRG, Inc.

  • Orders & General Questions +1(800)774-7891
  • Technical Support +1(301)309-2222
  • Rockville, MD 20849-1768
  • Email Us

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